- Owners must notify Council if a strata lot is to be used for rental and must notify Council in writing of the tenant's name, address and telephone mumber.
- Owners are responsible for the conduct of their visitors, tenants and tenants' visitors. Owners will be required to pay any fines and/or costs arising from any misbehaviour by, or damage caused by visitors, tenats or tenants' visitors.
- Owners must provide a copy of these rules and the current by - laws to all tenants.
- Tenants are allowed a maximum of two visitors in recreational areas at any one time.
Pool / Hot Tub
- The hours of operation for the pool and hot tub are from 7:00 AM untill 11:00 PM daily.
- All persons using the pool and/or hot tub do so at their own risk .
- All persons must use the pool shower before entering the pool or hot tub.
- No furniture is to be removed from the pool area.
- Children under 12 years must be accompanied by an adult when using the pool.
- Children under 14 years must be accompanied by an adult when using the hot tub.
- Children wearing diapers must have suitable leak proof diapers when in the pool or hot tub.
- No playing with pool equipment.
- No diving into the pool.
- No running, playing ball or otherwise throwing of objects allowed in the pool area.
- No glass of any kind allowed in pool area.
- No food allowed in the pool area.
- Proper bathing suits must be worn in the pool and hot tub i.e no cut-offs.
- Air mattresses, floatation devices, beach balls, scuba and snorkelling equipment are not to be used in the pool area, except for simple goggles and face masks .(Small floating or safety devices may also be used.)
Recreation Room
- Footwear must be worn inside the recreation room at all times.
- Children under 14 years must be accompanied by an adult to use the pool table.
- No food allowed in the recreation room.
Fitness Room
- Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult to enter the fitness room.
- Footwear must be worn at all times in the fitness room.
- All pets must be on a leash while on any common property.
- Pets are not allowed in the recreation room, fitness room, pool area, basketball court, nor on the grassed area in the centre of the complex (courtyard)
- Notwithstanding Standard Bylaw 3(4), no tenant may keep pets within the Emerald Beach Villas complex.
Use Of Property
- Excessive noise before 7:00 AM or after 11:00 PM is not permitted within the complex.
- No barbecues may be used on decks or patios other than propane, natural gas or electric varieties.
- All barbecues when in use must be moved away from walls or railings.
- Council must be provided with a duplicate key for each strata lot in case of emergency. Failing this, in the event of an emergency emanating from a strata lot whose occupant cannot be contacted, access for the protection of the common property or other strata lots, will be gained by force at the expense of the owner.
- No one shall dispose of any items other than toilet tissue in any toilet whether in common property or in a strata lot.
- No mops or dusters of any kind shall be shaken, and nothing shall be thrown out of any window, door passage or other part of the strata lot or common property.
- Household refuse and garbage shall be packed in heavy duty plastic bags, properly tied or taped closed, and placed in the garbage container.
- Any material other than ordinary household refuse or garbage shall be removed by the owner or tenant of the strata lot.
- All cardboard boxes must be collapsed before placing them in the cardboard recycling bin.
- No antenna, satellite dish or similar appurtenances shall be erected or fastened to the exterior of any strata lot or any common property without the express written permission of the Strata Council.
- No laundry, clothing, bedding or other articles shall be hung or displayed from windows, balconies or other parts of the building so that they are visible from the outside of the building.
- An owner shall indemnify and save harmless the Strata Corporation from any expense for maintenance, repair or replacement to the common property or to any strata lot rendered necessary by his act, neglect or carelessness or by that of any member of his family or his or their visitors, servants, agents or tenants.
- Owners must ensure that water valves are turned off if their strata lot is vacant for more than seven consecutive days.
- Fireworks are not allowed, at any time, anywhere on the property of docks.
- All owners and tenants are responsible for the security of the complex and no owner, tenant or visitor shall provide entry to the complex to any individual who is not known to them.
- No bicycles are allowed in the central grassed area (courtyard).
- No bicycles are to be stored on balconies or in the passage ways or against walls where they can damage the stucco or impede pedestrian traffic.
- No skateboards may be ridden within the Emerald Beach complex including all common areas.
- There is no smoking allowed within a strata lot, on limited property or common property. The term “smoking” includes, but is not limited to, the burning, combusting and/or vaporizing of: Tobacco, any drugs including, but not limited to, marijuana, crack cocaine, hashish, methamphetamines and heroin; E-liquids or other substances used in vaporizers, electronic-cigarettes or similar appliances which allow for the inhalation of vapour of atomized liquid or substances
- No major repairs to vehicle shall be made on the premises.
- No vehicle with a rating in excess of 1 ton shall be parked on the premises without written permission of the strata council, except in the course of delivery to or removal from the complex.
- No recreational vehicles, boats or trailors of any kind may be stored, or parked on any part of the common property or any parking facility thereon.
- All vehicles in outside parking areas must be licensed and have appropriate insurance.
- A maximum speed of 10 kph shall be observed by all persons operating a motor vehicle anywhere in the complex.
- Vehicles with studded tires are prohibited from the complex.
- Due to the strict fire code that requires fire engine access to the complex, parking is limited to the garages and designated parking stall only.